Friday, October 31

31th october 2008

31 october 2008, goodbye to form 5 students..
today is their last day study in smkss, they r going to graduate, going to left the school..
he, also going to left the school and me..

W geh school bag, mayb will not see tis again..
so i take a photo, who noe mayb some day i will miss ur bag? ^^

back to home, when i think back all tis time, my tears out T.T
year 2008 is going to end, but we haven start yet, y we gonna end also?
ivy ask, y dun i tell u that i like u?
em... mayb some day i will tell u, who noe? haha..

today realy no mood,
no mood to eat
no mood to smile
no mood to tuition
the first time i skip my account tuition class, cause realy NO MOOD

i sleep at home, from noon to night..
hope that when i wake up, will forget all those..

u never gonna say bye

the 4 brothers

today after recess, our class change to blok C 5A4 , cause form5 beed to arrange the table for their SPM..
see the guys, climb out of the window n sit there, look like wana jump down together.. muahaha.. then i stole stole take photo lor.. but they noe jor.. ^^
hey guys, quick cum in la.. dangerous ler..

the 4 brothers so close, until can ponteng 2gether.. (but tis time they left wei ming in the class?!) they very brave ya! choose Miss Kok BM period to ponteng..
but u think miss Kok is who? she is not a 'normal' teacher lerr.. she already send their name to diciplin teacher..
so... good luck to them la**

++my sivik projek not yet pass up.. haiz.. lazy to do edi..
i was thinking dunwan pass up the projek, 50 marks ony ma.. gv teacher lor..
after that dunwan go school teacher must cant find me!
yeah~~ can escape from that! ^^

Wednesday, October 29

thats what i like

i like high heels, no matter how high i am..
i like skirts,
i like dress,
i like shorts,
i like music,
i like sing,
i like dance,
i like yoga,
i like beauty,
i like shopping,
i like money,
i like to eat,
i like my frens,
i like W,
all these i like..
but God will not gv all of these to me..
u noe how i wish that all of these belongs to me..
but i cant make it do so..

Tuesday, October 28

4 of us

holiday again for Deepavali..
its great!! wahaha..
went to Midvalley GSC watch moviee

at F.O.S fitting room..
Yian is testing jeans skirt.. bcause she very cares of her long pants.. (swt")
while waitin for ah Yian.. photo time!!

who know...
salesman: sorry, here canot take photo..
jine: paiseh lor...
went to OHSUSHI have our lunch~~

em... today eat wat lerr??

this good, that also good.. chosee which ler??


yummy yummy^^

a big bowl of ramen..

the ramen quite spicy ya..

steam egg with flower top..

went to MidValley The Garden..
4 sapo keep on taking picture...

ivy's sifat.. muahaha..

on the way back home..
thx to xiao jun's father.. fetch us back again.. paiseh neh..
my name is moo moo cow, im belongs to xiao jun's brother..
moo moo cow tired di..
jine & mmc

huh?? 1 2 3 4,1 2 3 4,1 2 3 4
4 ppl y got 5 hand geh??

**thx to miss ivy.. belanja us makan ice cream..

Monday, October 27

i meet him..

mayb tis was the last time i meet him in my life..
but i would wish to meet u again n again..

look! 箭头指着的就是他。。临时临急拍下来的^^

若不是大庭广众,我肯定大声喊出来~~ 眼前的一切根本是impossible.. sri petaling的人怎么会出现在oug??

爱你很值得 只是该停了
曲名:舍不得 歌手:弦子 专辑:不爱最大

went to 1U

went to one utama shopping again~~
pheww~~ 吓死我们了!
兜了好远才去到one utama..

get crazy in Forever21 fitting room ^^

original look..
