Tuesday, January 13


Start my form5 tuition today..
finally, im back to Andrewchoo..
gonna do prepare for my SPM ha..
izit too early? nope..
cause i hv to spend much time to pick up my poor form4..

haiz... started 2day, i don hv much time to go gai gai jor.. 2sad~
still not yet get prepare for chinese new year, gonna shopping alotz.. hehe..

buthen my cupboard is no more space for me..
today all the clothes suddenly fall down .. when i back home n saw it i shockkk!!!
i thought masuk pencuri?! luckyly not la.. too much clothes until hampir pecah! aihz.. gonna fix tis problem b4 get in more new clothes.. =.="

feel that i look like the cartoon shin chan 's mother, open the cupboard then all fall down... haha..
haizzzzzz..... myself also no eye to see..

SPM as easy as A for Apple?! sure bor?

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