Friday, January 2

bye to Principles

31st December 2008, my last day of work in Principles, Garden..
im working as a sales asistant here for a month..
December no comision, bcause we canot achieve the target RM150,000 .. so sad hor? haiz..
now im going back to school n gonna say bye to all my daughther n son.. that wat i name the clothes.. hehe
Principles, i'll be back!
the next time i back to here, i hope that im not a partimer but a guest! haha..
wizard: dreaming la you!
jine: ...
i believe, its no a dream..
b4 say bye to Principles, im dressing as much as i can! haha..

its a nice long dress, but i look like pregnant while wearing tis..>.<

each of the dress cost RM500++
when i told manyan about this, the fst respond i get from her is "siao ah?"
manyan: "the dress got gold meh?"
jine: ehm... mayb ^^

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