Thursday, January 22


long time didnt blogging jor..
soli everyone.. now im back.. hehe
since these few days im veli veli busy!!
everyday tuition+lotz of hw...
sumore dad day write 7 moral esei until my hand hampir patah...
actually is copy n paste la.. buthen my hand still veli tired la.. xp

the only enjoy time i hv is during tuition time..
hehe..he is the catalyst..
guesss which his bag?

answer is....
dang dang dang dang~~
white colour bag with tall n handsome guy, wei lun
yerr.. my bag also white colour geh.. gam ngam geh? =.="
aha.. no la.. i dun love him..
juz that he is very leng zai!!
make me hv semangat n wont sleep.. hehehe..
funny guy.. didnt bring book cum to tuition..
miss chin kata: y u always forgot 2 bring book geh? y ur hair u wont forgot to style it?!
all of us: hahaha~~
his hair realy nice at all..
buthen i like that day he coloured his hair..
nice +yeng+man
juz that abit smelly.. chemical smell =.="
cause i juz sit bside him dad day..

**i stole stole take geh picture..
buthen his side view still leng zai..
juz went to other ppl blogg...
>benjamin is in love with his Magdalene.. so sweettt..
2sad bcoz he not as handsome as last time.. >.<
another is anna's blog....
>anna & ong is the pro of Latin.. they won the champion!!
tis make abit scared la.. i saw the photo of the competition..
they r illigent n PRO.. sumore hv a nice body shape..
sei mou? how i gonna dance with my giant leg? T.T
i didnt told u tat i hv join the Latin club..
tat day i register my name on it, i was very happy..
but now, im abit worry bout it..
can i dance?
i love dance but not means tat i suit dance?
btw, i try it la..
fst of all, gonna drop a few kg starting now..
cant imagine how i gonna wear those dress? >.<
so mommy,don force me eat again k?
now i can skip those high calories food bcoz im sore thoart..
buthen juznow csl say my face thin jor?! hehehe..
yamie?yamie? muahaha....
thx alotz no matter it is true onot.. ^^

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