Wednesday, February 11

get cha!!!

life seems so busyyy..
everyday kip on worry bout homework..
a lots n lotz of homework!
copy n paste also canot finish at all!!
mayb some day, i'll cry out!
but now, im still fine la..
wat i can relax is during CHA CHA time..
today is the 2nd lesson of latin..
cmm not coming cause she nid to decorate 'papan kenyataan'
haiz.. again n again..
ya, shed lee is rite..
she FFK me!!!
now i noe why she named''飞机王''
nevermine, jine..
its ok, for me Alone is not tat horror la..
i can tahan geh!!
bcoz i love wat i having now..
i'll never give up easily!!
while the stupid Brandon say:
dance better lar eu!
hey, plz la! im juz 2nd lesson ler..
i noe u been learning for a long time jor..
kenot compare urself with me k? eww~
siang siang yesterday get into a crash, luckily didnt hurt..
juz tat the poor Iswara send for repair edi..
haiz... yesterday he 1st day start working, so unlucky..
oya, he changing job again..
tis time he bcum Sales Executive.. selling Proton car
r u looking for a new car? phone him up!
016-9003868 Jason
(did i mention tat siang siang is my brother?)
already 5days never saw bobo..
she is in sickk
my best "ji mui"
i miss u much!
r u ok?!
hope tat everything is alright..

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