Tuesday, February 3


after a week holiday, back to school again..
early in the morning look like not yet wake up...
when i reach school, thr r 4 ppl in our class..
when i go in, 2 of them saw me n kip on laughing n laughing~~
im kinda blur la.. wad happen to me o??
zan ye: jin yee, u so yeng!!
im juz feel like "huhh??? wat o?"
kok shen: 2day is tueasday ler...
i noe a... y ler?
after bluring 5minutes i knew wats happen...
shittt!!!! im wearing tie ler?!! =.="'
today tuesday no nid wear tie... sob sob..
realy not yet wake up man!!
walao~~ so fish nehh...
wana scold bad word edi~ !#$#$%^&*(&*()
luckily not many ppl thr.. pheww~
2moro started my latin
kinda excited haa!!! hehe..
2moro cmm not free, so is not comin la..
while rachel dunwan join jor..
eww~ sei yeh ahh... ffk me?!
haizz... gonna Alone again.. hmmp.. =(
God bless me

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