Sunday, August 31

Hapi Merdekaa!!

today Malaysia celebrating 51th merdeka..
happy merdeka!!



look so funny rite? =)


today went to Bukit Jalil golf club play bowling!! meet the canaan members again.. unfortunately rachel put us aeroplane.. she suddenly need to back to ipoh?! then i n shed lee at there feel very weird.. luckly we meet janice, she chat with us lor.. if not realy so sien.. i not so fren with the members yet..

thx to>>Lian Juang fetch me go and Jhow Wei fetch me backk..

when we back home, inside the car i meet new frens again.. yeah!! i need more n more frens! the big size but funny guy, Joal n a sweet girl Joyce! very sad that they didnt saw me in PD camp.. hey, i there with u all 4days 3night ler.. y no ppl rmb me geh? only rmb Golden Char Siu Bao nia.. =(

stupid jinE! mouth open so big for wat? no food eat larxx.. but.. actually im saying 'yeah~' cause i hv orange ball..haha..

wau~~ i look tall ler.. but fat also @.@

left one only.. lets goal!! finally masuk longkang jor.. =.="

orange is the best!! blue siam ke tepi.. hehe^^

bout one year more didnt touch bowling jor... finally i score a low marks =(

Goodbye to Ogos 2008

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