Thursday, August 28

yishh! u 2 seiyeh ar!!

shed lee & Rachel

our class 4A11 is the kelas terkotor last week.. So we need to sweep the blok tis week! yesterday im sweeping blok C, finally i saw him! hehe... today im sweeping blok E .. i feel wana go to 4A8 geh.. but finally didnt go.. who noe later shed lee tell me that he is sitting there juznow?! arghh!! gek sei! y dun i walk there ler? if i walk there i will saw him! possible will get a chance talk to him lerr!
wu~~wana cry! so 'um dum'!

nowadays anwar is the hot topic! all ppl keep on talking about him.. the newspaper also posting about the politics news.. wui~tis news so sien lar! post another lor!! But actually i duno wat is happening now.. juz noe that he masuk penjara 10years since 1998.. now come out so many 'fans' support him! i juz feel that his family so pity nia~ if im his wife must gila o! didnt saw the husband 10years.. i tink his daughter also kenot reconise his face edi!

tis saturday go car4 play bowling with the Canaan's members.. yeah!! wana saw them again! But...plz lar! dunwan raining lerr!! tis few days keeps on raining.. realy beh tahan! early in the morning wake up so so colddd..

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