Friday, January 1

new year again ^^

juz back frm steven's corner..
or should i call it SRI STEVEN'S CORNER?
it shift to a new place, and change its name too~
upgrade to bcum SRI edi.. haha~
i end my 2009 last night with them:
my primary school classmate, 6A girls
and some 6B frens,
my secondary school frens ofcoz!
actualy someone ask me to watch movie~
but aa...
i realy POOR!!!! sumore lazy went out so far~
feel so sory to her.. mianeh yo~
next time belanja u eat ice cream! ^^
the passed tuesday i went to pyramid had the 1st skating in my life, pokai few timessss, my leg pain until now, but skating is realy FUN! haha~ i like it ^^
the coming monday they organise go skating again, but i think i cant join u all.. coz tuesday im going to have my 3rd time car test..
haiz... i should pray b4 going to test, GOD plzzzzzzz bless me to PASS tis test! i realy wasting alot of money! and also my time! pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee~~~~~~
2moro, im going to sungei wang to meet HIM ^^
i never saw him b4, tis is the 1st time we meet, hehe..
kinda excited XD
i juz nid RM10 for the LRT fees, jimat la wui~
no job, no income, no money~
alots of activities pulak? T.T
wana wish those going to NS
good luck ^^
take care ya!
i will miss eu geh! muackzzz!

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