Saturday, November 28


i noe my hand suppost one the biology book but not on the keypad..
aihz.. i juz cant control myself..
even though i noe that im wating my time, but i continue with that..
feel like wana whack myself! pull my hair n shout at myself : "go study now!"
kkk... after tis larh~
i juz feel so dissapointed..
2moro TJ went to "the mines book fair"
but i cant go n meet them, how sad it is!
they having so many function around me, but i cant even attend one of it!
i miss him.. jack. >.<
tat day she ask me de reason i like jack..
i juz smile n kip quiet..
but within 5 seconds, she can speak out correctly the reason!
my reaction : " em... ya! bcoz he look like him" lolz
she is the one noe me well! ha~
so clever neh.. ^^
i really duno myself..
mayb deep inside de heart, still waiting for him.

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