Tuesday, November 17


kandus = gagal = failed
haizz... today went for my P licen exam!
so sad.. i failed it!
everything go right until the 3 point turn...
i make a big mistake!
the car should be go front..
but i forgot to change gear..
so the car reverse back!
arghhh!!! unbelieveable!!
i pass my parking, up hill, but this..
on the road test pulak..
banyak mistake lor..
starting "sei fo" jor 2 time,
drive for a distance baru tahu my door close untight!
been scolded like hell by the JPJ ppl!!
when im in a Tjunction, look left but forgot to look right!
hampir langgar! lolz.. he scold again!
stereng turn right but forgot to turn back..
Tjunction forgot to show signal.. haiz..
the stupid JPJ ya.. kip on scolding!!
he also singing in the car ler! WTH~
sumore kip on 照镜!shit!
btw, hv to test again after SPM..
the problem is $$
next test still nid to pay RM150
like cut my skin tat pain! T.T

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