Sunday, October 25

seminar 2009

sat & sun went for AndrewChoo's SPM seminar at old town!
PJ old town la, nt old town coffee shop.. XD

saturday.. new hair clip!

nt enuf sleep~~


freaking boring.. another new shoe! ^^

at MBPJ library's hall
some subject are funny but most r boring...
like Mr.Ramesh most!!
such a mixed blood tall man, >180cm!
he can reach the white board! cool!!
his dress up realy nice! (sure branded!)
i rmb got one time he wear a mickey shirt, but stil remains yeng!
even miss Ivy Yap cant stop to mention tat his is so yeng!
his speaking style is funny! we speak cantonese in our physics class!
but... he even break my dream..
ramesh: do u think u can get A+? stop dreaming! lets back to de reality!
jin yee: zadao~~
he usually teaching me physics, but he gv seminar for chemistry..
during midyear seminar, he gv biology seminar also!
wat a smart guy!! PRO in 3 sains subject! *salute*
coming tuesday gonna b my last physics class wif him..
mm.... 我舍不得~~
get all de TIPS! duno acuurate onot?!
perhaps all kena, then great! haha..
but if all kena, AndrewChoo will masuk penjara! lol
btw, my "ji mui" when r we goin to hv intensive class??
time is realy LIMITED ler..
wana share my tips wih u all!
actually me myself also nt yet start study XD
sure no one will blieve me, but its true la!

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