Monday, April 27

different seventeen!!

today was the blogger's burthday!
yup! is my 17 birthday!!!
tis year birthday realy different from past year
i get a big surprise from
y.yian, xiao jun, zhi yeen, poh yee wan qi & chai ling!
they offer me a small party yesterday!!
a secret recipe cake,
fried mihun,
curry chicken,
seremban siew bao & egg tart,
eat until full full!!!
can u imagine tat u hv aten 2days food in one day?
yup! its the feeling!
anyway, thz alots!! my fren!
im realy surprise bout tat!!
realy touched me! T.T
how bout today?
in the midnite my phone ring up!
its my primary school's fren! ying han & kae jing!!
omg! they still rmb my burthday!!
realy ahh.. touching touching~~
buthen i hv forgot kae jing's burthday jor.. paiseh ya!
(if u saw tis kindly tell me when is ur Bday k?)
although the distance btw us is quite far, but a simple sms will melt my heart!
1st enter the class, some of them wish me a hapi birthday!
kinda happy la ofcoz!
buthen make me realy surprise is>>
after last period, the 5A11 gangs sing a burthday song for me!!
wau~~ i thought no one notice tat today was my Bday ler..
realy so surprise lorh...
wat i wana say is thanks!
yup! wat i wan is juz a simple wishes from eu all!
after school hor..
went OLD TOWN coffee shop yum cha with manyan & rachel
eat lots of delicious toast n laksa..
not forget my favourite "milk tea"
3.30pm leave thr..
eu noe wat i did?
i "accidently" take the menu of the coffee shop back home!!
arghhh!!! i must say tat its realy not my falt lar..
duno when, duno who put it on my file thr,
then when i go, i juz quickly pick up the file n zoomm~~
im mcc until manyan notice tat why am i holding the menu?!
but its too late edi.. cant return back to them lor..
then went yian'house sit for a while..
waiting for account tuition..
i gv the menu to yian as she is interested with it!
after tuition, brother cum fetch me..
we went to 'da bao' KFC and pizzhuts!
eww~~ high calories food!
father gv me RM50 to credit my phone..
got 50% free marh.. haha~~
seventeen girls should>>
neva forget! i wana learn undang & driving!!
already 17, yahooo~~~~~~~

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