Wednesday, April 22

4 days to go~

walao A! today enuf boring lohhh!!!
whole day intervensi text >.<
yea, congrate to our class 5a11!
tis the 2nd week we get "kelas terbersih"!!
i think... the prefect who gv marks should be buta wan lor..
our class so "clean" !!!
3 basket fullof rubbishhh!! wahaha~~
today duno wat happen?!
she seems like angry edi..
oh no.. realy hope tat will not happen.
sumore i dun realy noe wat is my false?swt...
naa.. i blieve our frenship wont broke easily.
ur always my buddy! muackzzz...
oya! start playing Facebook edi...
since i promise manyan n rachel long time ago..
now only i open the account.. hehe.. paiseh ya!
yup yup! found tat it is so so so funny ha! xp
sumore i hv add jor HIM!
so surprise hor? duno y i so brave? xp
mayb we wont meet agian..
so.. juz do anything i wish to do..
wat to update jor har??
yaya, today skip Latin class..
coz i found out tat im not realy suitable wif tat..
cant even memorise the step!
feel sory coz bring trouble to my partner >.<
ala... dance like cacat!!! eww~~
ponteng latin practice, chit chating wif manyan at jalan utama there...
with my favourite >>> gup zai? no la.. watching basketball lar!
look at the yj think of tat day open facebook account..
kip on showing me his face!
pls larr.. i dunwan add him lohh!!
close it edi, show me again! deng~~
i WONT add him geh ok?
wan me say how many time jek?! yishh!!
em... latin already end..
wats next? yoga mayb!
kick boxing?
wakakaka... then can fight wif my brother jor!! ^^
abor... modern dance?
popping? locking? no way~~
mom say:
dun think too much la girl! next is study, tuition, exam, study, tuition and exam!!! i dunwan see any D in ur next exam! if not Genting will be ur last trip in 2009!
huhhh??! how can it be o? my tourism club got many place to visit lerr!! sot plug de! xD
i hate tat! everyday i back home she wil kip on telling me de same thing!
"today u got tuition ar?"
"tuition at wat time har?"
"still dunwan prepare go to tuition ar?"
"dun sleep liao! quick quick go tuition!!"
arghh!!!! sh!t wat the boring life!
4 days to go~~~
hehehe~~ xp

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