Wednesday, November 19

sad n happy 2gether?!

aihz... today went to mv watch movie.. lots of ppl..

its a nice movie! very funny!
if u r in sad, pls went to cinema n bought tiket of tis movie..
caution: it will make u laugh until die ^^

went to TOPSHOP for a interview of partime promoter...
finally i hv sucess JOR!! they employ me! happyING!!!
working in 'principles' at The Garden.. its under TOPSHOP..
very surprise ya! already sign contract! yeah~ money is coming!
thx to shed lee ya.. cause she went to interview fst, then i follow geh... also walk in interview.. but we pura-pura duno each other la.. haha..
hope that she will get a job also.. if not i will very paiseh wan.. cause she bring me to interview, n i get job fst?!

but... duno wats daddy respond?? dont dare to tell him that im going to work.. i think he will scold me la.. 99.9%..
haiz... now no mood... how i gonna open my mouth n tell him?!

now i get job, so cant join the class trip to penang... abit sad actually.. b4 this i was thinking for a long time whether wana work or travel? finally god help me to make a choice.. earning money but not spending $$... izit a good choice?

another troble is 2moro is miss ivy big day.. so need to attend to her party at red box, The Garden.. im going to shout out my lung ha.. very happy ya.. already one year didnt sing K .. miss the bid screen n mike..
troble is daddy again.. 2day went out he already ~!#$!#$^&*()xx
2moro went out again.. omg.. pasti kena marah!

God bless me!!!
dunwan been scold by daddy la...
about job n also sing K..
see 2moro how im going to dy..

i think he wan me to stay at home WHOLE holiday.. tis is juz like 'dipenjarakan' k?
n u will saw yeast on me!

btw, good luck at all..

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