Wednesday, January 28

went Mr.Lim house

yea! yeah!
yestaday 9 of us went to mr.lim house to 'bai nian'..
some of us bring oranges as YI SI YI SI...
realy kesian.. d name list thr about 20++ name register, buthen only 9 of us attend nia..
btw, we hv alotz of fun la.. except kok ping.. he lose about RM30.. >.<
i win alots when starting, buthen duno y later continueous lose.. lose all the money i win b4, 2sad..
aihz.. nvm la.. new year ma.. ^^

kok ping the 'chongker'

Mr.Lim the 'chongker' ,
soli bout photo blurr..

me counting money, muahaha...
win alot at start!!
the cutez bebe..

me&xiao jun

they all put a orange so tat 'ong' come..

the BIG winner n the loser..

Mr.Lee geh son.. quite handsome.. XD

wat the guys having..
luckly they didnt drunk, otherwise need to carry them back ya..

Mr.Lee & his wife

mr.lim son(left) & mr.lee son(right)

the small girl was mr.lee's daughter..

back home lor..

the boring two guys..

nice blur photo without any effect..

the COOL stairs.. vandalism ya! xp

ugly back view, me walk like 'dai ga jie'.. =.=''

its me^^

the sexy back view> cai ling

huh?!! xiao jun look at the river for wat??
wan jump down? no la.. xD
althought thr r only 9of us, buthen i still feel happy la..
atleast no nid fatmou at house lor..
thx to mr.lim big angpau!
thx to mrs.lim yummy sausage!
thx to mr.lee angpau also..
thx to zan ye,wan qi,samantha belanja us LRT back home, big winner should do tis! hehe..
thx to the 8 ppl who attend expecialy the 2 guys.. i can feel how boring u r..
no leng lui teman zan ye,
no ppl talk 'ball' to kok ping, buthen u hv samantha ritez? ^^
happy ending^^

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