Thursday, January 29

wat's tis?

I keep on thinking of someone during these few days… duno y am I thinking of him?? Im abit scared that I will 4 in love wif him.. let he to be mr.P
wats wrong falling love wif mr.p?! Actually nothing wrong.. juz that im abit tired of like somebody.. I noe I will hurt.. although tat guy didnt hurt me... I will feel sad u noe? Expecially when he pakto wif other girl.. the feelings i noe, its like brake all my intestine and i will keep on crying n crying..

im the one most clear of tis feelings.. cause I try it b4.. tats yong jun..
during I like him tis period, he changes many girl frens.. I rmb tat time he brake wif puiyee, I had done a super stupid thing! Dont mention again, I wana forget those ‘fish’ thing! After tat, I think we no chance to b fren again..

until now, we see each other everyday, buthen didnt talk also.. but its good, now i dont like him anymore.. then i change to like a form 5 guy, weijie.. i duno y my taste change to like a charcoal, smokers even kaki ponteng?! mayb like someone dun nid any reason, juz tat i like u..

weijie had left me a few months ago.. now im 80% forget about him edi.. and... ya, im the one scared of lonely.. so thr must be always someone in my heart.. tis time im interested wif tis mr.P .. still not sure tat i like him anot? bcause i can found some weijie's shadow on mr.P.. dimple.. blue shirt..
now im controlling my feelings.. mayb i juz think 2 much..

**lastly, if u sucess to translate tis mars language, plz dont mention infront of me, k? after reading juz pura-pura duno larhx! xp

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