Sunday, September 26

klener feigling

tonite, i juz wan something chi gek XD
example: BEER
buthen dun hv beer in my house... haiz~
nvm, i found something lebih chi gek!!!
huh? not drugs la~ sot meh = =

dang dang dang dang~~~~~~~

its pure vodka!!!
i found pure vodka in my fridge lols

the 1st drop was so nice ^^ taste sweet~
2nd drop abit "spicy" like wasabi~
3rd drop so chigek!!!!!(很呛)
the feeling so strong XP

cute cute vodka baby~~
as small as my hand XD (praise myself haha)

ps: pure vodka not suitable for straight drinking~ better mix wif others drinks or bcum cocktail~ for further information, kindly visit


1 comment:

TinkErbEll said...

ingrlook like funny leh~~~so^^hehe