Wednesday, October 28

beloved tuition teacher <3

Mr.Ramesh the golden highlight curly hair
last physic lesson..
he say he wont wish us "good luck" for SPM,
bcoz he blieve in work hard!
so hurt la wei~
tats wat im lack of! lol
anyone plz help~~

at nite, last biology lessons with Alvin Siah Kok Lim!


last 10 mintes, we having take photo 2gether ^^
alvin & jin yee
jin yee & Alvin
say truthly, i dun like take photo with alvin lo..
he is such thin like paper..
sumore white like snow~ XD
stand bside him, i look like a charcoal >.<
ps: 第1102次对自己说:要开始念书了!eh.. 要从哪里开始呢?aihz..

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