tomorrow, tomorrow ,waitiing for tomorrow!! ^^v
Friday, October 30
Wednesday, October 28
beloved tuition teacher <3
Sunday, October 25
seminar 2009
sat & sun went for AndrewChoo's SPM seminar at old town!
PJ old town la, nt old town coffee shop.. XD

saturday.. new hair clip!
nt enuf sleep~~


freaking boring.. another new shoe! ^^

PJ old town la, nt old town coffee shop.. XD
saturday.. new hair clip!
nt enuf sleep~~
freaking boring.. another new shoe! ^^
at MBPJ library's hall
some subject are funny but most r boring...
like Mr.Ramesh most!!
such a mixed blood tall man, >180cm!
he can reach the white board! cool!!
his dress up realy nice! (sure branded!)
i rmb got one time he wear a mickey shirt, but stil remains yeng!
even miss Ivy Yap cant stop to mention tat his is so yeng!
his speaking style is funny! we speak cantonese in our physics class!
but... he even break my dream..
ramesh: do u think u can get A+? stop dreaming! lets back to de reality!
jin yee: zadao~~
he usually teaching me physics, but he gv seminar for chemistry..
during midyear seminar, he gv biology seminar also!
wat a smart guy!! PRO in 3 sains subject! *salute*
coming tuesday gonna b my last physics class wif him..
mm.... 我舍不得~~
get all de TIPS! duno acuurate onot?!
perhaps all kena, then great! haha..
but if all kena, AndrewChoo will masuk penjara! lol
btw, my "ji mui" when r we goin to hv intensive class??
time is realy LIMITED ler..
wana share my tips wih u all!
actually me myself also nt yet start study XD
sure no one will blieve me, but its true la!
Friday, October 23
dating <3
skip class for movie! ^^
em.. watching cartoon?!
the story is quite cute n funny, i gv it 3 stars!
out with my new stuff, hehe..
keep fit lah wei~ >"<
they say i look like Office Lady??
whr got jek?!!
todays gf is Rachel Low n Chee Shed Lee, long time didnt went out wif them edi..
tis will be de last timei out for gai gai, promise!
next time will be after SPM lorh..
next job> STUDY~~
ps: but how bout my coming soon michael jackson movie? aihz..
Thursday, October 22
the best in my life!
Miracle happen on me!
i get de 1st place in my class for the trial exam!
wat i wana say is........
GOOD JOB!!!! hahaha~~
it happen so suddenly n surprise all of them include me myself!
me? NG JIN YEE? r u sure i get de 1st place?
definately YES! look at de bukti below>>
i get de 1st place in my class for the trial exam!
wat i wana say is........
GOOD JOB!!!! hahaha~~
it happen so suddenly n surprise all of them include me myself!
me? NG JIN YEE? r u sure i get de 1st place?
definately YES! look at de bukti below>>
its realy special for me!
coz tis is de 1st time i get 1st place,
n also the last time i get 1st place in school..
school time is goin to END..
school time is goin to END..
she done her BEST for her last school exam!
record the nicest result in the book, n ready to left..
em.. it consider a nice ending rite?
the SMKSS block F, i were thr for 2 years.
toilet is our 2nd home! XD
its our MEMORY...
guys, make sure u keep it 4eva!
the blogger score straight A for her trial exam, hope tat SPM result will even better! am i greedy? definately YES! haha..
im juz like a "black horse" winning the competition.. schockkk everyone include her families, teachers, friends, classmates n myself....
well, tis is wat i can get for my mom.. hope tat she will feel proud of me, it proven tat ur money for de tuition fees is not a WASTE! the worse thing is she ask me a stupid question which make me quite angry!
mom: wat class u r studying? izit a good class?
walao?! i realy dunwan talk to her edi lor.. she tought tat i get 1st place coz im in a weak class?! wat the....
walao?! i realy dunwan talk to her edi lor.. she tought tat i get 1st place coz im in a weak class?! wat the....
haizz.. i noe for her is hard to blieve, coz i realy act lazy in home.. tats y i said its a miracle! ^^
another funny thing is she use my total marks 1022 went for duno Toto or Magnum, abit zadao liao~ haiz.. once they saw number, sure go for Toto.. i brings luck to them coz my mom win a small price!! fuishh, such amazing! ^^ thx god for de award!!
ps: one day, Mr.Lim call my name to answer de question! my mind stopped few seconds.. OMG! he call me? tis is de 1st time he call my name since he is teacheing me frm last year.. it is so touching! i never knew tat he remember my name, Jin Yee.. Finally, he call my name! T.T
coz i score high marks in chemistry?! ^^
thx so much, i love chemistry!!!!
pps: today tuition end up at 7.30pm, then walk back from parkson to OUG as usual.. the 1st time i walk back home during 7.30pm.. the sky as dark as night time.. walking alone in the night is quite horror! try not to scared myself, speed up myself at the same time! luckily today is pasar malam, quite alot of car pass through.. it is dangerous while crossing the big road! today nyaris kena langgar, phew~~ my leg is long enuf for me to run afap! feel grateful tat im still here alive! next week will b de last week for tuition class, after tis will never walk back home again! but stil im enjoy with de orange roadside! its so nice! its romantic if walked in pair! (think too much..)
hwaiting for SPM!!!
26 days to go..
Sunday, October 18
bla bla bla
having my driving lesson last week!
i tell u, driving is cool!!!!!
i drive frm OUG to Bangi, and den frm Bangi back to OUG!
no accident happen lerh!! geng bor? wakakaka...

the weather is so hot! wonder my hair stick 2gether!
here is some funny driving about me>>>
*oways forgot to see side mirror, wat i did is i straight turn my head n look at the back whether got car cum anot.. geng bor?
**a few times forgot to slow down when reach de bumber, den de whole car jump up n down, muahaha!!!! tis realy not my fault ok? the uncle kip on asking me question, make me forgot to break..
but i realy wana complain bout de RED poor kancil!! the stereng is super hard! turing de stereng is killing me!! expecially during parking n 3 point turn, realy poor thing!! my hand realy 起水疱edi.. even a normal white kancil better than tis special red poor kancil, geramnya!! coz i try both kancil in different day, n i found tat white one i better lor.. but no choice la, uncle gv u wat u drive wat!
ehm... been told tat next month one day b4 SPM only can sit for de driving test.. walaoA?! play me mie? izit possible for me to go for de test? one day b4 spm, so... i dun think i can go lo... mesti kena kurung at home wan! haiz... my lesen arh!!
yestaday nite feel bored, did sumthing to my hair>>

juz simply tie n pin, den put my favourite hat on it! Gee~~
i should try more n more different hair style..
den choose de best wan to attend my cousin wedding dinner! end of november.
dinner dress up is almost complete!
still thinking wat im lack of?
a belt for my evening dress..
my hair a... mayb a REAL hat?
nichii hat still available bor?
take a chance go n see see... ^^

accidently found tis photo in my hp, is my cousin sister..
ps: 急速转弯的感觉真的很棒!终于明白飙车的乐趣了!也把旁边的uncle吓得紧握扶手!哈~ 漂移咯~~
i tell u, driving is cool!!!!!
i drive frm OUG to Bangi, and den frm Bangi back to OUG!
no accident happen lerh!! geng bor? wakakaka...
the weather is so hot! wonder my hair stick 2gether!
here is some funny driving about me>>>
*oways forgot to see side mirror, wat i did is i straight turn my head n look at the back whether got car cum anot.. geng bor?
**a few times forgot to slow down when reach de bumber, den de whole car jump up n down, muahaha!!!! tis realy not my fault ok? the uncle kip on asking me question, make me forgot to break..
but i realy wana complain bout de RED poor kancil!! the stereng is super hard! turing de stereng is killing me!! expecially during parking n 3 point turn, realy poor thing!! my hand realy 起水疱edi.. even a normal white kancil better than tis special red poor kancil, geramnya!! coz i try both kancil in different day, n i found tat white one i better lor.. but no choice la, uncle gv u wat u drive wat!
ehm... been told tat next month one day b4 SPM only can sit for de driving test.. walaoA?! play me mie? izit possible for me to go for de test? one day b4 spm, so... i dun think i can go lo... mesti kena kurung at home wan! haiz... my lesen arh!!
yestaday nite feel bored, did sumthing to my hair>>

juz simply tie n pin, den put my favourite hat on it! Gee~~
i should try more n more different hair style..
den choose de best wan to attend my cousin wedding dinner! end of november.
dinner dress up is almost complete!
still thinking wat im lack of?
a belt for my evening dress..
my hair a... mayb a REAL hat?
nichii hat still available bor?
take a chance go n see see... ^^
accidently found tis photo in my hp, is my cousin sister..
ps: 急速转弯的感觉真的很棒!终于明白飙车的乐趣了!也把旁边的uncle吓得紧握扶手!哈~ 漂移咯~~
Sunday, October 11
2009 Gathering
juz cum back frm Bkt OUG Town house, having the 6A aka year 2004 gathering... about 31 of us attend to the gathering, others 20 people more y didnt cum?!
having party at the pool side, food supplied was pizza n KFC..
meet many of them which realy "long time no see"!
after 5 years, many remains unchange,
some thin jor,
some tall jor,
some leng zai jor,
many leng lui jor,
some of them change alotz!
which make us>>>
kip on guessing WHO IS TIS?
once been told tat tis is XXX
everyone juz like: "huhh?? he is XXX?"
change so much?
teacher say i thin jor pretty jor wor?
mana ada zek?
u noe how she shout?
鱼:har? 没有啦!hehe.. =.="
walao~~ tat time realy fish ahh!! u noe how loud she shout? all look at me n make me so paiseh~~ ofcoz i didnt stand up tat time, so fishh!!
不过给他那么一赞,整个人轻飘飘的~ haha~~
我已经投降了,自愿跳下水,可还是逃不了他们的毒手,被推进泳池了~~ 喝了几口水,好难过哦!!到现在头还有点痛!
还有在泳池里玩ice n water?! 摆明是欺负不会游泳的人,我!多恨自己不会游泳~~
最后来个交换礼物,这根本是爆料大会!陈年往事谁喜欢谁全都爆出来了!我?还好以前没有绯闻!hehehe... safe~
最后要跟RYAN说声不好意思捏~ 临时临急买了个“happy birthday” 的杯子,送了给他~~ 可能不是你的生日,感觉有点怪,就当belated生日礼物吧!hehe..
once yoke nam 6A, 4eva yoke nam 6A!!!
but make sure SPM wont get only 6A! XD
SPM coming soon~~ eww...
Saturday, October 3
im chemistry PRO!!! ^^v
today Andrew Choo tuition for
-add maths
from 1.30pm to 6.15pm >.<
we do de chemistry rial exam paper frm other state. i keep on answering all de question she ask, almost 99% correct! great! n i found tat actually chemistry is not difficult compare to BIOLOGY whick is yuckzz!
Miss Chin is so shock n said: waa, ur chemistry so good wan ar? i duno ur chemistry so good wan o.. u get high marks for ur exam?
jin yee: (shy shy..) em.. i usually get 60++ nia... but tis time YES! i get quite high marks.
Miss Chin: how many marks u get?
jin yee: (smile) ninety-one
Miss Chin: huhh??! u get 91 for ur chemistry?
(and den the whole class sounds WAHH~)
Miss Chin: why u get so high marks arh?
jin yee: coz... got Tips maa..
Miss Chin: cheh~~ i thought u realy put in effort.
wat de... it sounds like chinchai also can get tis marks..
got tips also need to study geh lor.. i dun have skema jawapan ok?
actually at 1st im thinking to say : "bcoz miss chin u teach very well ma!"
but after tat i found tat tis is too DOG! so i dint said tis.
but realy la, i remember im doing for de REDOX reaction queation for one and a half month.. do until wana vomit edi! i realy sleeping also can hafal out!
jin yee: miss chin, y always do REDOX geh? sien lorh! cant u change other questions?
Em.. actually im quite surprise also! never think b4 will get such high marks for chemistry.
50% bcoz i really put in effort
15% bcoz teaching by de best chemistry teacher in malaysia! XD
10% bcoz tuition
10% bcoz TIPS
5% bcoz lucky
total up 90% ^^
but den i still have other subjects which im not PRO yet! so... put chemistry aside, fight for add maths, sejarah n biology.. physics still duno yet.. aihkz, left one paper not yet get back, always be physics.. sudah biasa larh! hope tis paper's result not too bad larh!
clue for getting good result! =P
*cup of coffee - so tat u wont fall sleep in de midnight.
*hydrating mask - to hydrate ur skin ur dry skin coz by sleep late
*apple - the best snacks in de midnight! my favourite too!
*clock - to remind u de time is rushing, read quickly!
*reference book or watever notes - ofcoz for eu to study!
*tips - frm here u can see how bout ur friendship! i think mine is not bad! ^^
reading last minute until midnight 3am is realy torturing me! sumtime even 4am! study as much as i can! dun dare to sleep early, sked i'll cry for de result!
de last day i finish exam, which is account paper2, went home n slept for 14hours until de next day! even skip my dinner! geng!! i also pui fook myself!
mother: =.=" duno how many days didnt sleep...
ps: walking back home after tuition, meet uncle Simon.. he was looking at me.. den i ma smile to him lorh.. when i go nearer u noe wat he told me? he thought tat im smoking?! actually im eating lolipop! sweat lorh.. he duno how much i hate ppl smoke! but i think is time for him to get a new spec! XD
pss: i miss POH YEE!!!!! XD
-add maths
from 1.30pm to 6.15pm >.<
we do de chemistry rial exam paper frm other state. i keep on answering all de question she ask, almost 99% correct! great! n i found tat actually chemistry is not difficult compare to BIOLOGY whick is yuckzz!
Miss Chin is so shock n said: waa, ur chemistry so good wan ar? i duno ur chemistry so good wan o.. u get high marks for ur exam?
jin yee: (shy shy..) em.. i usually get 60++ nia... but tis time YES! i get quite high marks.
Miss Chin: how many marks u get?
jin yee: (smile) ninety-one
Miss Chin: huhh??! u get 91 for ur chemistry?
(and den the whole class sounds WAHH~)
Miss Chin: why u get so high marks arh?
jin yee: coz... got Tips maa..
Miss Chin: cheh~~ i thought u realy put in effort.
wat de... it sounds like chinchai also can get tis marks..
got tips also need to study geh lor.. i dun have skema jawapan ok?
actually at 1st im thinking to say : "bcoz miss chin u teach very well ma!"
but after tat i found tat tis is too DOG! so i dint said tis.
but realy la, i remember im doing for de REDOX reaction queation for one and a half month.. do until wana vomit edi! i realy sleeping also can hafal out!
jin yee: miss chin, y always do REDOX geh? sien lorh! cant u change other questions?
Em.. actually im quite surprise also! never think b4 will get such high marks for chemistry.
50% bcoz i really put in effort
15% bcoz teaching by de best chemistry teacher in malaysia! XD
10% bcoz tuition
10% bcoz TIPS
5% bcoz lucky
total up 90% ^^
but den i still have other subjects which im not PRO yet! so... put chemistry aside, fight for add maths, sejarah n biology.. physics still duno yet.. aihkz, left one paper not yet get back, always be physics.. sudah biasa larh! hope tis paper's result not too bad larh!
clue for getting good result! =P
*cup of coffee - so tat u wont fall sleep in de midnight.
*hydrating mask - to hydrate ur skin ur dry skin coz by sleep late
*apple - the best snacks in de midnight! my favourite too!
*clock - to remind u de time is rushing, read quickly!
*reference book or watever notes - ofcoz for eu to study!
*tips - frm here u can see how bout ur friendship! i think mine is not bad! ^^
reading last minute until midnight 3am is realy torturing me! sumtime even 4am! study as much as i can! dun dare to sleep early, sked i'll cry for de result!
de last day i finish exam, which is account paper2, went home n slept for 14hours until de next day! even skip my dinner! geng!! i also pui fook myself!
mother: =.=" duno how many days didnt sleep...
bio n account result not as bad as wat i expest b4 tis! pheww~~ kinda lucky! but i prefer save some LUCK for my SPM lorh.. Puan Fancis n Rebecca remind me, less than 40days to SPM~
OMG!!! so horror lar!
ps: walking back home after tuition, meet uncle Simon.. he was looking at me.. den i ma smile to him lorh.. when i go nearer u noe wat he told me? he thought tat im smoking?! actually im eating lolipop! sweat lorh.. he duno how much i hate ppl smoke! but i think is time for him to get a new spec! XD
pss: i miss POH YEE!!!!! XD
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