Thursday, September 3

Exam loading..

exam had begun for few days.
tis time de trial exam realy a...
duno how to say, damn sad!!
i didnt receive any tips for it..

wat i get is juz
direct exam question!!
is tis stil consider EXAM? XD

u will never see ppl smiling while doing exam paper
but this is happening...
once open de paper, all laugh like hell!
yup! everything juz like unblieveabe!
hope this miracle continue happening ^^

but realy la..
thr is a sad thing!
we get fake tips for Bio paper3
eww~ almost all mampus ya!
u will see the difference! ha~
cant wait to see de result!
prepare one box tissue for me plz! >.<
if my Bio get A sure i belanja Alvin makan!
but im more possible to make him starving! XD
DIGI and MAXIS may wondering why suddenly their profit rise so much??!
everyone is kip on foward sms la..
u noe i noe larh! haha..
thx to all my fren who send tips to me la..
tis month hp bill sure increase much!! xp
i never knew tat so many ppl care bout me!
so touching neh.. hp kip on
ring ring~~
All the BEST for exam!
i am jin yee ^^

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