Monday, February 2


yup yup...
end of january n starting of february
i never think b4 tat i will start a new month with
aha..actualy today's plan is homeworkING~
who noe today suddenly went to Miss Kok house 'bai nian'..
haizz... broke my plan..
i came thr late, when i reach wat i saw is a group of hunger kip on eating..
like few days didnt eat edi =.="
later, i be one of the hunger also.. hehe
after kacauING n angpauING in miss kok house,
miss kok pun fetch us to continue in miss tan house..
12 of us include miss kok 'bik' into an Avanza..
pity the new car.. haiz..
im the one lucky who sat infront, haha..
tat time rain heavily, actually quite dangerous lar!
luckily we all reach beloved Miss Tan house in SAFE...
pheww~ thx god..
wad we do in miss tan house is same as the usual>>
eatING, drinkING, angpauING,
ofcoz poker cardING..
miss tan teach us to play LAMI with the card,
LAMI i hv learn frm daddy since im 12 years old..
while others playing 'IN BETWEEN'
actually, i never play tis game b4 la..
fst time heard of tis game, "IN BETWEEN"
it seems like quite funny...
after few hours,
we went hv our dinner at Star Village, O.U.G.
saw a few sentosa's student working there..
never think b4 tat i will cum back tis retoran again..
i HATE the price which cost RM10++ with a chicken chop..
after eating feel veli ''meat pain''(cantonese)
i hv order a black pepper chicken chop..
its quite delicious, i like the spicy of black pepper.. xp
buthen i hate the poor salad which is mixed of ''colour bean''
oya.. miss tan be wif us also..
she having a vege fried rice coz she is a vegetarian..
after tat, we r full..
went to hui xin house angpauING~
so paiseh neh.. went thr kacau auntie again.. =p
tis time we no more pokerING but mahjongING
i tog miss tan was the pro of mahjong,
who noe jin sin n ah du barulah PRO..
kip on teaching us.. hehe..
we stated frm 8pm majongING til 12am..
yup yup.. it will make u ketagihan!! ha~
yeah yeah!! now i noe how to play mahjong edi..
the next party we having im sure tat someone will ask:
ei! ur house got mahjong bor?
haha... its realy funny.. its true! ^^
juz back frm hui xin house n 55 cum 2 blogging..
now going to sleep..
photo wil be upload soon..
2moro START homeworkING..
hope can finish atleast 50% of that..

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